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How To Get More Done Every Day: Simple Strategies For Better Time Management

March 20, 2019 by Team Instabizfilings

How To Get More Done Every Day: Simple Strategies For Better Time Management

We all come on to planet “Earth” with clearly defined expiry date. We have limited time and life thrusts multiple objectives; be achieving family work balance, career, spiritual development, etc.


You can actually multiply your expected years of life with the number of days in a year and can see how much limited time is left with all of us. For Eg. if your age is 45 years and your life expectancy is 65 years it means you have only 7300 days (365*20 years) if you remove holidays, Saturday, Sunday then time left with us is even more less. I am giving you a perspective of how you could manage your time effectively to get more out of your life and also supplementing it with tools that I have come across which can be helpful for you.


18 effective strategies for Managing your Time efficiently


  • Plan your day in advance: 

Planning ahead is one of the surest ways to ensure that you will manage your time and day more effectively. Keep a few minutes aside every morning to mentally go over everything you have to do.


  • Keep a to-do list handy: 

Actually get down to writing the key deliverables of the day. Make short points that you can tick off once the task is complete. This will give you a great sense of accomplishment as well.


  • Allot time blocks for activities: 

Time blocks are the amount of time you allot to a certain activity. It is believed that the average concentration span lasts for approximately 45-50 minutes. Thus, account for that much time for important jobs, it will give you a better understanding of how much you can achieve in a day.


  • Try and complete tasks on time: 

The most productive people are those who complete what they set out to do. It's just like when we gave our board exams, we got exactly three hours to finish, not a minute more or less. If you approach tasks with that mindset, you will add much more productivity to your day


  • If not, atleast get started

Don't get stressed out if you can't complete what you've begun, the more important thing is to get started. For example, if you need to submit a project by Friday, begin a little bit of work on it by Monday. This helps you space it out and reduces any last-minute haste.


  • Keep a buffer for contingencies: 

There will be some tasks that will take more time than you expected. So keep a little buffer time just in case. This is most common in activities that involve other people -- a meeting may take longer than expected or a doctor's visit may set you back by an hour or more because of the waiting.


  • Lower your ringtones: 

The phone is increasingly becoming a bane as much as it is a boon. In tasks that need your undivided attention for completion, it may just be a good idea to put your ringtone on silent or better still, switch the phone off altogether


  • Don't respond to every email and ping: 

We are becoming a generation that is living with digital anxiety. We see an email or hear a ping and think we need to reply to it instantly. But unless it's an emergency, everything else can wait


  • Minimize the distractions: 

Have you ever felt yourself get so carried away by distractions that you find yourself completely forgetting the urgency of the task at hand? That's what happens when breaks become distractions that last too long. Distractions maybe many, but keep reminding yourself about what you set out to do and quickly bring your focus back to the task


  •  Identify the urgency of tasks: 

As per the Eisenhower Method, there are some things that are urgent and important and can't wait at all, like responding to a fire alarm. Then there are others that are important and not urgent, like buying a new shoe, you may need it but not right away. And then there are still others that are urgent but not important - the odd call in between your work day; and finally, there are things that are neither important nor urgent, like planning for the next vacation. Depending on the urgency and importance, schedule your tasks accordingly.


  • Stay flexible and ready for surprises

No matter how planned you are, be sure something will throw you off gear. A fluid and flexible mindset is the best at such times. If someone cancelled an appointment that you travelled a distance for, don't fret, just go explore that part of the city.


  • Finish meetings and conversations on time

Sometimes people can talk till the cows come home. When in a meeting, keep an agenda and stick to it; when chatting with friends and family, mentally fix a time and once you think you need to end it, politely excuse yourself. Ending conversations sooner can help you save a lot of time.


  • Realize that multitasking is a myth: 

Don't think you can be at a meeting, keep typing away on your laptop and still pay attention to those around you. Not only will your performance be affected, but you will also be wasting the time of the other people present.


  • Recognize your support systems: 

Delegation is sometimes the fastest way to beat time and that's when you depend on those closest to you. If you need to pick up your child but you're stuck at work, call your child's friend's mother and ask her if she can oblige. But make sure you return the favor too.


  • Make people aware of your schedule: 

When those around you have clarity on your schedule, they will know exactly when to call you and when not to. This is a very polite and friendly way of putting a "do not disturb" signboard without offending anyone.


  • Learn to say "no": 

You can't be everywhere and do everything. There's no point spreading yourself thin, you'll lose face and lots of energy and eventually keep no one happy. Say no to what's not possible and make more time in your day for yourself


  • Brief talk on phone/social media/whatsapp:  

Make sensible use of phone, social media and do not use the same for gossip, nagging or criticism, take pause and think and use the medium. Whether you really need to communicate something, going to add value to caller/respondent.


  • Review your day: 

At the end of the day, look back and take stock of what happened and what didn't. It will tell you what you need to focus on in the coming days. Reviewing your day is also a pat on the back - you'll realize just how much you are actually capable of

  • Credits- inspiration from Ms. Ritika Bajaj and Mark Ford. (From Common sense Living)




Creativity matters in every area, be it business, being a leader, handling your family, and many more. Time management is very important in every field and our imagination should have be used for exploring new option and inspiration.




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