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Trademark Search

November 23, 2024 by Team Instabizfilings

Trademark Search

Before submitting an application for trademark registration, conducting a trademark research is a crucial first step. It helps guarantee that the brand name, logo, or symbol you have chosen is original and does not violate any already-existing trademarks.


Whether you want to search for a trademark in India, a trademark worldwide, or a trademark for a logo, using the best tools and resources available, this guide will assist you through the process.


India Trademark Search


One can utilise the Intellectual Property India (IP India) website to look for a trademark in India. This search verifies that the trademark name or logo does not conflict with any already-registered trademarks in India.


How to look up Indian Trademark Names:


  1. Visit IP India website:

  2. At the main page go to ‘Trademark’ and choose ‘Public Search’.

  3. Use the trademark registration search engine to search by trademark name, logo, or application number


Trademark Public Search India


The trademark public search tool on the IP India website provides free access to the trademark registry, allowing you to:


  • Searching existing Trademarks in India;

  • Check Trademark status and application details;

  • Access information about trademark owners and classifications


Online Trademark Search


The online trademark search lets you check the availability of trademark across multiple regions worldwide. For Indian trademarks, use the IP India search tool, while for international trademarks, there are other search engines available.


Search Options:

  • IP India Online Trademark Search: For Trademarks based in India.

  • WIPO Trademark Search: For International trademarks


Trademark Class Search


When filing a trademark application, it’s crucial to determine the appropriate trademark class for your goods or services. India follows a 45 class system, each class representing a different category of product or service.


Steps to Conduct Trademark Class Search:  

  1. Visit the IP India website.

  2. Select the correct class corresponding to your product or service.


US Trademark Search (USPTO)


If you want to check whether your trademark has already been registered in the United States, then use the USPTO trademark search. This will allow you to search the database of registered trademarks through the United States Patent and Trademark Office database.


  1. Visit the USPTO website: []

  2. Use TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System).


WIPO Trademark Search


For international trademark searches, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) offers a tool that let’s you search for trademarks globally. It covers trademarks registered under the Madrid System that is used in the international filing system.


  1. Visit WIPO’s Global Brand Database: [].

  2. Search by trademark name or application number or the owner’s name.


Trademark Status Search


If you have already filed a trademark application you can check the status to see whether it has been accepted, objected, or is still under examination.


Steps to Check Trademark Status:

  1. Visit the IP India website

  2. Select “Trademark Status’.

  3. Enter the application number or the trademark name to check the current status of your application.


Trademark Registration Search


If you want to confirm whether a trademark is already registered, use the trademark registration search tool. This will help you verify if your preferred trademark name or logo is available for registration.


  1. Go to the official IP India website 

  2. Search by trademark name or logo.


Trademark Application Search


After filing a trademark application, you can monitor its progress  by using the application number to check its status.


  1. Visit the IP India portal.

  2. Enter your application number to find out the status and information of your trademark application.


How to Search Trademark Names


To search for trademark, visit the relevant website (IP India, USPTO, WIPO). You can search trademarks using logo, trademark names or application number. 


Logo Trademark Search


When registering a logo it is imperative to ensure that it does not resemble any existing registered logo.You can search for similar logos using the trademark search tool either by entering visual features or using online logo search tools: 


  1. Use the IP India Trademark Search Tool or other logo search online tools.

  2. Upload your logo image here (or enter the name) to check for similarities with the existing trademarks.


UK Trademark Search


If you plan to register a trademark in the UK, you can search for existing trademarks using the UK Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO) website.


  1. Visit the UK IPO website: 

  2. Search for a trademark through the “Search for trademark” option.


International Trademark Search


If you are planning to take your brand global, performing a cross country trademark search is always necessary. WIPO’s Global Brand Database let’s you search Trademarks registered in multiple jurisdictions worldwide.


Trademark Search by Application Number (Delhi)


If you have filed a trademark application in Delhi, you can check the status of your application from the IP India website by entering the applicant number. This makes it easy to check whether your application is pending, approved or there is an objection on the said application.




Trademark search is one of the vital steps in trademark registration process if you are registering trademark in India, checking for logo trademarks or for global trademark search. Tools like IP India, USPTO, and WIPO, can help you determine if your trademark is unique and available for registration. Always perform a thorough search to ensure that your brand name or symbol is not already in use, avoiding potential legal issues and ensuring your brand identity is protected.




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